Z. Denis, V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2023), On graphs admitting two disjoint maximum independent sets, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics,
Eugen Mandrescu, (2022), On the co-strong perfectness of the normal product of graphs, Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie ,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2022), Some more updates on an annihilation number conjecture: Pros and cons, Graphs and Combinatorics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2022), Critical sets, crowns and local maximum independent sets, Journal of Global Optimization,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2020), On an annihilation number conjecture, ARS Mathematica Contemporanea,
V. E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
published online September 2020
, (2020), On the critical difference of almost bipartite graphs, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics,
A. Jarden, V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2019), Monotonic properties of collections of maximum independent sets of a graph, Order – A Journal on the Theory of Ordered Sets and Its Applications,
V. E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2019), 1-well-covered graphs revisited, European Journal of Combinatorics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2019), On König-Egerváry collections of maximum critical independent sets, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics,
A. Jarden, V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2018), Critical and maximum independent sets of a graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2017), The Roller-Coaster Conjecture revisited, Graphs and Combinatorics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2016), Computing unique maximum matchings in O(m) time for König-Egerváry graphs and unicyclic graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2014), On the intersection of all critical sets of a unicyclic graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2014), A set and collection Lemma, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics ,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2013), Critical sets in bipartite graphs, Annals of Combinatorics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2013), On the structure of the minimum critical independent set of a graph, Discrete Mathematics,
E. Mandrescu
, (2012), Unimodality of some independence polynomials via their palindromicity, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics,
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2012), Vertices belonging to all critical sets of a graph, Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics (SIDMA),
V.E. Levit, E. Mandrescu
, (2011), Very well-covered graphs of girth at least four and local maximum stable set greedoids, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications ,