פרופ' אלה זאק

הפקולטה למדעים
ראש מעבדה לסינתזה וחקר ננו-חומרים

Prof. Alla Zak
Faculty of Sciences
Head of the laboratory for synthesis and investigation of nanomaterials
Download CV


  • 1996
    Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
    Ph.D. in Materials science and Nanotechnology
  • 1978
    University of Kishinev, Faculty of Physics, Department of Semiconductor Physics, Moldova
    B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Physics, Physics of Semiconductors, Physics Teaching
  • 1981
    Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physics, Russia
    B.Sc. in Physics Teaching

Research Fields

  • Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials, their properties and applications

Teaching Areas

  • Physics
  • Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Selected Publications

  • S.R. Kadam, M. Krishnappa, S. Ghosh, M.B. Sreedhara, A. Neyman, A. Upcher, E. Nativ Roth, L. Houben, A. Zak, A.N. Enyashin, R. Bar-Ziv, M. Bar-Sadan (2024), (2024), Nanotubes and other nanostructures of VS2, WS2 and MoS2: Structural effects on the hydrogen evolution reaction, Applied Materials Today, 39 (Article No.102288) ,
  • A. Pelella, A. Kumar, K. Intonti, O. Durante, S. De Stefano, X. Han, Z. Li, Y. Guo, F. Giubileo, L. Camilli, M. Passacantando, A. Zak, A. Di Bartolomeo , (2024), WS2 nanotube transistor for photodetection and optoelectronic memory applications, Small,
  • P.N. Immanuel, S-J Hiang, P. Taank, A. Goldreich, J. Prilusky, A. Byregowda, R. Carmieli, H. Shalom, A. Leybovich, A. Zak, N. Aggarwal, K.V. Adarsh, L. Yadgarov , (2023), Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Cs4PbBr6/WS2 hybrid nanocomposite , Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research,
  • Y. Niu, L. Li, Z. Qi, H.H. Aung, X. Han, R. Tenne, Y. Yao, A. Zak, Y. Guo , (2023), OD van der Waals interfacial ferroelectricity, Nature Communication, Link
  • E. Magee, F. Tang, M. Walker, A. Zak, R. Tenne, T. McNally, (2023), Silane functionalization of WS2 nanotubes for interaction with poly(lactic acid), Nanoscale,
  • S. Wei, M. Serra, S. Mourdikoudis, H. Zou, B. Wu, L. Děkanovsky, J. Sturala, J. Luxa, R. Tenne, A. Zak, Z. Sofer , (2022), Improved electrochemical performance of NTs-WS2@C nanocomposites for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,
  • Y. Sun, S. Xu, Z. Xu, J. Tian, M. Bai, Z. Qi, Y. Niu, H.H. Aung, X. Xiong, J. Han, C. Lu, J. Yin, S. Wang, Q. Chen, R. Tenne, A. Zak, Y. Guo, (2022), Mesoscopic sliding ferroelectricity enabled photovoltaic random access memory for material-level artificial vision system , Nature Communications,
  • E. Magee, F. Tang, E. Ozdemir, M. Walker, T. Di Luccio, J.A. Kornfield, A. Zak, R. Tenne, T. McNally , (2022), WS2 nanotubes as a 1D functional filler for melt mixing with poly(lactic acid): Implications for composites manufacture, ACS Applied Nano Materials,
  • S. Ghosh, G. Otorgust, A. Idelevich, O. Regev, I. Lapsker, D.Y. Lewitus, A. Zak , (2021), Reinforcement of poly (methyl methacrylate) by WS2 nanotubes towards antiballistic applications, Composites Science and Technology,
  • S.S. Sinha, L. Yadgarov, S.B. Aliev, Y. Feldman, I. Pinkas, C. Pallellappa, S. Ghosh, A. Idelevich, A. Zak, R. Tenne , (2021), MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes: Synthesis, structural elucidation and optical characterization , The J. of Physical Chemistry C: Energy, Materials & Catalysis, Section C: Physical Properties of Materials & Interfaces,
  • S. Ghosh, V. Brüser, I. Kaplan-Ashiri, R. Popovitz-Biro, S. Peglow, J.I. Martínez, J.A. Alonso, A. Zak , (2020), Cathodoluminescence in single and multiwall WS2 nanotubes: Evidence from quantum confinement and strain effect, Applied Physics Reviews,
  • A. Grillo, M. Passacantando, A. Zak, A. Pelella, A. Di Bartolomeo , (2020), WS2 nanotubes: Electrical conduction and field emission under electron irradiation and mechanical stress, Small,
  • C. Pallellappa, S. Ghosh, A. Idelevich, L. Rovinsky, T. Livneh, A. Zak , (2020), Solving the "MoS2 nanotubes" synthetic enigma and elucidating the route for their catalyst-free and scalable production, ACS Nano,
  • Y.J. Zhang, T. Ideue, M. Onga, F. Qin, R. Suzuki, A. Zak, R. Tenne, J.H. Smet, Y. Iwasa , (2019), Enhanced intrinsic photovoltaic effect in tungsten disulphide nanotubes, Nature,
  • F. Qin, T. Ideue, W. Shi, X-X Zhang, M. Yoshida, A. Zak, R. Tenne, T. Kikitsu, D. Inoue, D. Hashizume, Y. Iwasa , (2018), Diameter-dependent superconductivity in individual WS2 nanotubes, Nano Letters,
  • Y.J. Zhang, M. Onga, F. Qin, W. Shi, A. Zak, R. Tenne, J. Smet, Y. Iwasa , (2018), Optoelectronic response of a WS2 tubular p-n junction, 2D Materials,


  • As Chief Scientist (CSO) in start-up company NanoMaterials, Ltd. for ~ 10 year, from 2002 to 2011. During these years industrial (scaled up) synthesis of layered inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles was developed from a few grams to tens of kgs. Formulations of the oils and greases with IFs for friction reduction applications was developed.

Grants & Awards

  • Israel Science Foundation (ISF) 2016 - 2020
    360,000 NIS per year - for four years
    Single wall nanotubes of WS2, their synthesis and properties towards optoelectronics and hydrogen storage

  • Pazy Foundation
    1120 KNIS for four years, 2015 - 2018
    Title: Nanocomposite ballistic armor made of inorganic WS2 nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles in polymethyl methacrylate
    In collaboration with Dr. Omri Regev, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.

International Projects

  • Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, NATO; 2022-2025
    €273,000 - overall project budget
    Research grant project SPS G5936: Ultralight wearablE Solar Cells As a Portable Electricity source (ESCAPE)
    In collaboration with Italian Scientists:
    • Dr. Luca Camilli, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
    • Prof. Maurizio Passacantando, University of L'Aquila, Coppito, Italy
    • Prof. Antonio Di Bartolomeo, University of Salermo, Fisciano, Italy
    • Dr. Filippo Giubileo, National Research Council, Fisciano, Italy