
הנדסת מערכות - חשיבה מערכתית וכלי להערכת יכולת חשיבה מערכתית הנדסית

14:00 10-11-2013
סמינר מטעם הפקולטה לניהול טכנולוגיה בנושא:
הנדסת מערכות
חשיבה מערכתית וכלי להערכת יכולת חשיבה מערכתית הנדסית
Systems Engineering and Engineering Systems Thinking
 פרופ' מוטי פרנק | Prof. Moti Frank

יום ראשון, ז' כסלו, תשע"ד
10.11.2013, 14:00 בניין 2 חדר 105

הנדסת מערכות

System thinking is what makes systems engineering different from other kinds of engineering and is the underpinning skill required to do systems engineering. Systems thinking, is a discipline for seeing wholes. Systems thinking is hypothesized as a major high-order thinking skill that enables individuals to successfully perform systems engineering tasks. Research found that this ability is a consistent personality trait, and that it can be used to distinguish between individual engineers. There is an ongoing argument in the literature about whether systems thinking ability is inherited (innate) or learned (acquired). The presentation deals with systems engineering and systems thinking and presents results of several studies aimed at checking the reliability and validity of a tool for assessing the interest for systems engineering positions and other engineering positions required capacity for engineering systems thinking.