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HIT holds initial talks with key institutions in historic Khorezm region.


HIT’s steady march to expand its international collaborations and reach out to institutions of technology and design throughout the world yielded a productive first-meet between the heads of HIT with those of the historic Mamun Academy and Urgench University in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. 

The rich history of the region, as represented through these two institutions, reflects the unique past, present and future of Khorezm. Not only an important center of commerce and culture since the 10th century, Khorezm was the epicenter of science and scholarly study during these medieval times. 

While these institutions work arduously to preserve the significant treasures of the past and to continue to expand knowledge in physical and mathematical sciences, philology, pedagogy, history and more, they are also actively involved in resolving the problems facing them at present. Because of their unique location in the Amu Darya river delta, of particular urgency are immediate regional challenges like desertification and salination, mineralization and pest control – all of which impact on the economic situation of the area, as well as the health and well-being of its residents.

As Prof. Eduard Yakubov, President of HIT noted, the Institute is well-positioned to work with the Mamun Academy and Urgench University to find innovative and practical responses to these and other problems through our faculties of Technology Management, Science, Engineering, Design, Instructional Technology, and departments of Digital Medicine and Multidisciplinary Studies – a fact confirmed by HIT VP David Shoichet and Prof. Michael Kreuter. 

Uzbek Ambassador to Israel, Feruza Machmudova, added: “I know that the Holon Institute of Technology has a long and successful cooperation with its colleagues from Tashkent and Samarkand universities. I would very much like to see scientists from Khorezm join this cooperation. “

Prof. Abdullaev Ikram Iskandarovich, Chairman of the Khorezm Mamun Academy and Prof. Bakhrom Ismoilovich Abdullayev, Rector of Urgench State University, spoke of their excellent experiences in working with international organizations and projects in Europe and the Middle East.


Confident that HIT could serve as a rich source for exchange of ideas and knowledge, it was decided that the potential topics will be ‘drilled down’ and specific cooperation opportunities further discussed, under the capable coordination by Mrs. Antoinette Levy, HIT Liaison Officer to Eurasia.

