
Prof. Dr. Josef (Seppo) Gründler

Grid 2020 Speakers

Prof. Dr. Josef (Seppo) Gründler FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Josef (Seppo) Gründler lives in Graz/Austria. Sound and media artist, “Maker” of software and electronics, visiting professor of sound design at Donau-University Krems and assisting professor at the FH-JOANNEUM University of Applied Science Main instruments are guitar, electronics and software. Holds a PhD in medicine. Board of directors member of the Institute for Media Archeology and of the Society for Dissemination and Distribution of New Music. Teaches sound and interaction design. Workshops on topics like improvisation, software and electronics für designers and artists. Since 1982 working in the field of new media like music for computer games, theatre, film, media and sound installations. Works have been presented at Ars Electronica, Wiener Festwochen, Steirischer Herbst, the Knitting Factory New York, Sonambiente Berlin, Transmediale Berlin, City of Women Festival Ljubljana, Fine senca fine – Venice, Trentino, Budapest, Graz, etc. Creator of various CDs. Current live acts include the Klammer & Gruendler Duo, Singing Adorno, the Urban Sound Band, solo concerts, 6To6decibel, "the nomadic producers" and co-organizing the Styrian Improvisers Orchestra.


GRID 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020
Session III: The Grid – Artistic Impressions | Duet A | 13:30-14:30
The Grid in Sound: How the Tools Shape Us