מרץ 2019


הספרייה מציעה לקוראיה מידי חודש רשימת ספרים וכתבי-עת חדשים שנוספו לאוספיה כל רשומה מכילה:
מס' מיון, מחבר, כותר, מוציא לאור, שנת הוצאה , נושאים, מס' מערכת תוכן עיניינים ותקציר.
כדי לראות מצב ההשאלות יש ללחוץ על כותר.





‪398(569.4) בן-ד ‬

‫ בן-דרור, מיכאל 

אומנים, מרפאים ועושי נפלאות בגליל

ירושלים : אריאל, תשנ"ד 1993 ‬



 Artists -- Israel -- Biography.

 Traditional medicine -- Israel -- Galilee

 Healers -- Israel -- Biography

 Galilee (Israel) -- Description and travel

 Galilee (Israel) -- Social life and customs

 Palestinian Arabs -- Israel -- Galilee -- Social life and customs

 Magic -- Israel -- Galilee





510.6 GRZ

Grzegorczyk, Andrzej 

Zarys logiki matematycznej

Warszawa : Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961


Logic, Symbolic and mathematical





511 SIE

Sierpiñski, Wacław 

Arytmetyka teoretyczna / Widanie drugie zmienlone

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1959


Number theory




512.8 KLE

Klein, Philip N.

Coding the matrix : linear algebra through applications to computer science

[Newton, Massachusetts] : Newtonian Press, 2013


The Function (and other mathematical and computational preliminaries) -- The Field -- The Vector -- The Vector Space -- The Matrix -- The Basis -- Dimension -- Gaussian elimination -- The Inner Product -- Orthogonalization -- Special bases -- The Singular Value Decomposition -- The Eigenvector -- The Linear Program.


An engaging introduction to vectors and matrices and the algorithms that operate on them, intended for the student who knows how to program. Mathematical concepts and computational problems are motivated by applications in computer science. The reader learns by doing, writing programs to implement the mathematical concepts and using them to carry out tasks and explore the applications. Examples include: error-correcting codes, transformations in graphics, face detection, encryption and secret-sharing, integer factoring, removing perspective from an image, PageRank (Google’s ranking algorithm), and cancer detection from cell features. A companion web site.


 Algebras, Linear

 Computer science -- Mathematics.





512.9 GOL

Gołab, Stanisław

Rachunek tensorowy

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1956


Calculus of tensors





513.015.2 OTT

 Otto, Edward 

Geometria wykreslna /  Wydanie III poprawione

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961


Geometry, Projective





513.73 BIE

Biernacki, Mieczysław 

Geometria rozniczkowa

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, [1954-1955]


Geometry, Differential





513.73 BOR

Karol Borsuk i Wanda Szmielew.

 Podstawy geometrii

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, [1955]


Geometry, Differential





515.122 БУР

Бурбаки, Н. 

Топологические векторные пространства

Москва : Иностранная литература, [1959]


Данная книга объединяет выпуски XV, XVIII и XIX известной монографии Н. Бурбаки ."Элементы математики", составляющие единственное в мировой литературе руководство по общей теории топологических векторных пространств. Книга рассчитана на математиков — научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов университетов и пединститутов, интересующихся функциональным анализом и топологией



Functional analysis

Vector analysis






515.122 БУР

Бурбаки, Н. 

Общая топология : числа и связанные с ними группы и пространства

Москва : Государственное издательство физико-математической литературы, [1959]


 Группа французских математиков, объединенная под псевдонимом "Бурбаки", поставила перед собой цель написать под общим заглавием "Элементы математики" полный трактат современной математической науки. Многие выпуски этого трактата уже вышли во Франции, вызван большой интерес математиков всего мира. Настоящая книга представляет собой второй на трех выпусков, на которые разбит русский перевод "Общей топологии и содержит следующие разделы; вещественные числа, однопараметрические группы, числовые и проективные пространства, аддитивное группы числовых пространств, комплексные числа. Книга рассчитана на математиков - научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов университетов и пединститутов.



 Functional analysis






515.122 PON

Pontriagin, L. S.

Grupy topologiczne

Warszawa : Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1961


Topological spaces






517 BOR

Borsuk, Karol 

Geometria analityczna wielowymiarowa / Wydanie drugie zmienione.

Warszawa : Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1964


Geometry, Analytic





517.4 MIK

Mikusiñski, Jan 

Rachunek operatorów / Wydanie drugie rozszerzone

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1957


Calculus, Operational





517.51 SIK

Sikorski, Roman 

Funkcje rzeczywiste

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1958-1959


Functions of real variables





517.968 POG

Pogorzelski, Witold A. 

Rownania calkowe i ich zastosowania

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, [1953]


Integral equations





517.98 БУР

Бурбаки, Н. 

Функции действительного переменного : элементарная теория

Москва : Издательство "Наука"; Главная редакция физико-математической литературы, [1959]


Группа французских математиков, объединенная под псевдонимом «Бурбаки», поставила перед собой цель написать под общим заглавием «Элементы математики» полный трактат по современной математике. Многие выпуски этого трактата уже вышли во Франции, вызвав большой интерес математиков всего мира. Настоящая книга посвящена функциям одного действительного переменного. Книга рассчитана на математиков---научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов университетов и пединститутов.

 Элементы математики. Функции действительного переменного. Элементарная теория


 Functional analysis






517.98 XYA

Хуа Ло-Кен 

Гармонический анализ функций многих комплексных переменных в классических областях

Москва : Иностранная литература, 1959


Монография известного китайского математика Хуа Ло-кена посвящена разделам теории функций многих комплексных пере­менных, получившим развитие лишь в самое последнее время и отражавшимся до сих пор лишь в специальных журнальных статьях, зачастую мало доступных. Большинство результатов, излагаемых в этой книге, принадлежит автору и его ближайшим сотрудникам. Для получения этих результатов автором строится значительный алгебраический аппарат, представляющий и само­стоятельный интерес. Монография принесет большую пользу научным работникам и аспирантам, работающим в области теории функций многих комплексных переменных и особенно автоморфных функций, теории представлений групп и в смежных областях


Functional analysis





517.982.22 MAU

Maurin, Krzysztof 

Metody przestrzeni Hilberta

Warszawa : Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1959


Hilbert space





518.1 LUK

Józef Łukaszewicz, Mieczysław Warmus.

Metody numeryczne i graficzne

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1956


Numerical calculations

Graphic methods





519.2 FIS

Fisz, Marek 

Rachunek prawdopodobieñstwa i statystyka matematyczna / Wydanie drugie poprawione i rozszerzone

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1958



Mathematical statistics





53 WEI

Weizel, Walter 

Fizyka teoretyczna


Volume 1: part 1-2: Fizyka zjawisk: Ruch--Elektrycznosc--Swiatlo--Cieplo

Volume 2: part 1-2: Budowa materii







530.33 LAN

L. Landau i E Lifszic.

Fizyka statystyczna

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, [1959]


Statistical physics

Statistical mechanics





531.01 LAN

L. Landau i E Lifszic.

Mechanika osrodkow ciaglych

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, [1958]



Mechanics, Analytic

Continuum mechanics





538.3 LAN

L. Landau i E Lifszic.

Elektrodynamika osrodkow ciaglych

Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, [1960]


Electromagnetic waves


Continuum mechanics





Ebbing, Darrell D. 

General chemistry /

Boston, Massachusetts : Cengage Learning, [2017]


Chemistry and measurement -- Atoms, molecules, and ions -- Calculations with chemical formulas and equations -- Chemical reactions -- The gaseous state -- Thermochemistry -- Quantum theory of the atom -- Electron configurations and periodicity -- Ionic and covalent bonding -- Molecular geometry and chemical bonding theory -- States of matter; liquids and solids -- Solutions -- Rates of reaction -- Chemical equilibrium -- Acids and bases -- Acid-Base equilibria -- Solubility and complex-ion equilibria -- Thermodynamics and equilibrium -- Electrochemistry -- Nuclear chemistry -- Chemistry of the main-group elements -- The transition elements and coordination compounds -- Organic chemistry -- Polymer matherials: synthetic and biological


The eleventh edition was carefully reviewed with an eye toward strengthening the content available in OWLv2, end-of-chapter questions, and updating the presentation. Nomenclature changes and the adoption of IUPAC periodic table conventions are highlights of the narrative revisions, along with changes to the discussion of d orbitals. In-text examples have been reformatted to facilitate learning, and the accompanying Interactive Examples in OWLv2 have been redesigned to better parallel the problem-solving approach in the narrative. New Capstone Problems have been added to a number of chapters



 Chemistry, Inorganic





544.25 FLE

 Flexoelectricity in liquid crystals : theory, experiments and applications

London : Imperial College Press, 2013


The book intends to give a state-of-the-art overview of flexoelectricity, a linear physical coupling between mechanical (orientational) deformations and electric polarization, which is specific to systems with orientational order, such as liquid crystals.Chapters written by experts in the field shed light on theoretical as well as experimental aspects of research carried out since the discovery of flexoelectricity. Besides a common macroscopic (continuum) description the microscopic theory of flexoelectricity is also addressed. Electro-optic effects due to or modified by flexoelectricity as well as various (direct and indirect) measurement methods are discussed. Special emphasis is given to the role of flexoelectricity in pattern-forming instabilities.While the main focus of the book lies in flexoelectricity in nematic liquid crystals, peculiarities of other mesophases (bent-core systems, cholesterics, and smectics) are also reviewed. Flexoelectricity has relevance to biological (living) systems and can also offer possibilities for technical applications. The basics of these two interdisciplinary fields are also summarized.


Liquid crystals -- Electric properties.




‫ ‪549 סבד ‬

מנחם סבדרמיש, אלברט משיח ‬

אבני חן

[תל-אביב] : מדע אבנים יקרות, [1986] ‬


Abstract  ‫

אופנה אבני חן ויהלומים- אבני חן מאת מנחם סבדרמיש ואלברט משיח בספר מקיף על אבני חן. במבוא על הגמולוגיה מדע אבני החן והקריטריונים להגדרת אבן כאבן חן, הכל על האמרלד, ארצות, הרכב, זיהוי וטבלה, אקואמרין, הרובי והספיר, עולם התכלילים באבני החן, האבנים הנפוצות ביותר, הפנינה, הזכוכית, היווצרות אבני חן וסיווגם ותכונותיהן, מכשור גמולוגי או כיצד נבנה מעבדה גמולוגית, עבוד אבני החן, הערכת הגלם, עיצוב אבני חן, הטיפול בהן, ליטוש גלם האמרלד ואבני החן, אבני חן בחשן המשפט של הכהן הגדול. נספחים וטבלאות,ספר מפואר מכיל עשרות צילומי צבע ושחור לבן ומאוייר ‬




 Precious stones


 Jewelry -- Design -- Technique




‫ ‪549.21(569.4) סבד ‬

מנחם סבדרמיש, אלברט משיח. ‬


‫ [תל-אביב] : מדע אבנים יקרות, [1986] ‬


Abstract  ‫

אופנה ואבני חן גמולוגיה-יהלומים ספר מקיף על האבן היקרה היהלום מאת מנחם סבדרמיש ואלברט משיח. המכיל את ההיסטוריה של היהלומים גילויים בעולם והמסחר בהם, המכרות בעולם טבלאות, בורסות ליהלומים, היהלום כהשקעה, הגיאולוגיה של היהלום, הרכבו הכימי, סוגי היהלומים, זיהויותכונות מיוחדות, ייצור יהלומים סינטתיים למטרות תעשייתיות, חיקויי היהלום, זכוכית ואבני כלאיים, מיון הגלם, סוגי הגלם, עיבוד היהלומים וליטושם, הביקוע, הניסור, החיתוך, הליטוש,, איכות, הערכהה גימור היהלום, הברק והצבע, תופעת המסטר, פגמים, דרגות, טבלאות הערכת משקל של יהלומים שונים כולל את יהלום הבריל(אמראלד ואקואמרין), ליטוש בצורות שונות ‬


Diamond industry and trade -- Israel








577.3 HOB

Russell K. Hobbie, Bradley J. Roth.

Intermediate physics for medicine and biology / Fifth edition

New York : Springer, [2015]


Mechanics -- Exponential growth and decay -- Systems of many particles -- Transport in an infinite medium -- Transport through neutral membranes -- Impulses in nerve and muscle cells -- The exterior potential and electrocardiogram -- Biomagnetism -- Electricity and magnetism at the cellular level -- Feedback and control -- The method of least squares and signal analysis -- Images -- Sound and ultrasound -- Atoms and light -- Interaction of photons and charge particles with matter -- Medical uses of X-rays -- Nuclear physics and nuclear medicine -- Magnetic Resonance Imaging


This classic text has been used in over 20 countries by advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in biophysics, physiology, medical physics, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering. It bridges the gap between an introductory physics course and the application of physics to the life and biomedical sciences. Extensively revised and updated, the fifth edition incorporates new developments at the interface between physics and biomedicine. New coverage includes cyclotrons, photodynamic therapy, color vision, x-ray crystallography, the electron microscope, cochlear implants, deep brain stimulation, nanomedicine, and other topics highlighted in the National Research Council report BIO2010. As with the previous edition, the first half of the text is primarily biological physics, emphasizing the use of ideas from physics to understand biology and physiology, and the second half is primarily medical physics, describing the use of physics in medicine for diagnosis (mainly imaging) and therapy. Prior courses in physics and in calculus are assumed. Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology is also ideal for self study and as a reference for workers in medical and biological research. Over 850 problems test and enhance the student’s understanding and provide additional biological examples. A solutions manual is available to instructors. Each chapter has an extensive list of references.



 Medical physics




 ‫ ‪591.5 גרנ ‬

  ‫ גרנדין, טמפל  ‬

 ‫ השפה הסודית של בעלי-החיים

 ‫ תל-אביב : אריה ניר, תשס"ו 2006 ‬



 ‫ מסתורי האוטיזם כמפתח להבנת התנהגות בעלי החיים. ספר מדהים המבוסס על מחקר בן שלושים שנה של ד"ר טמפל גרנדין, חוקרת בעלי חיים ידועת שם שהיא אוטיסטית. הכשרתה המקצועית וחייה כאוטיסטית העניקו לה נקודת מבט ייחודית ומיוחדת, שונה מנקודת מבטם של מומחים רבים בתחום. טמפל גרנדין חושפת בפנינו מסר מדהים ורעיונות מהפכניים על אוטיזם ועל האופן שבו בעלי החיים מרגישים וחושבים ‬


Animal behavior


 Autism -- Animal models

 Cognition in animals

 Emotions in animals




575 DAL

Jeremy W. Dale, Malcolm von Schantz, and Nick Plant.

From genes to genomes : concepts and applications of DNA technology / Third edition

Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, [2012]


How to clone a gene -- Genomic and cDNA libraries -- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -- Sequencing a cloned gene -- Analysis of gene expression -- Products from native and manipulated cloned genes -- Genomic analysis -- Analysis of genetic variation -- Post-genomic analysis -- Modifying organisms : transgenics.


The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: •Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing technologies and enhanced treatment of bioinformatics. •Clear, two-colour diagrams throughout. •A dedicated website including all figures. Noted for its outstanding balance between clarity of coverage and level of detail, this book provides an excellent introduction to the fast moving world of molecular genetics.




Genetic engineering

 Cloning, Molecular

 DNA, Recombinant






576 MOL

Molecular biology of the cell / Sixth edition

New York, N.Y. : Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, [2015]


 Part I. Introduction to the cell. Cells and genomes ; Cell chemistry and bioenergetics ; Proteins -- Part II. Basic genetic mechanisms. DNA, chromosomes, and genomes ; DNA replication, repair, and recombination ; How cells read the genome : from DNA to protein ; Control of gene expression -- Part III. Ways of working with cells. Analyzing cells, molecules, and systems ; Visualizing cells -- Part IV. Internal organization of the cell. Membrane structure ; Membrane transport of small molecules and the electrical properties of membranes ; Intracellular compartments and protein sorting ; Intracellular membrane traffic ; Energy conversion : mitochondria and chloroplasts ; Cell signaling ; The cytoskeleton ; The cell cycle ; Cell death ; Cell junctions and the extracellular matrix -- Part V. Cells in their social context. Cancer ; Development of multicellular organisms ; Stem cells and tissue renewal ; Pathogens and infection ; The innate and adaptive immune systems -- Glossary


 As the amount of information in biology expands dramatically, it becomes increasingly important for textbooks to distill the vast amount of scientific knowledge into concise principles and enduring concepts. As with previous editions, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Sixth Edition accomplishes this goal with clear writing and beautiful illustrations. The Sixth Edition has been extensively revised and updated with the latest research in the field of cell biology, and it provides an exceptional framework for teaching and learning. The entire illustration program has been greatly enhanced. Protein structures better illustrate structure-function relationships, icons are simpler and more consistent within and between chapters, and micrographs have been refreshed and updated with newer, clearer, or better images. As a new feature, each chapter now contains intriguing open-ended questions highlighting "What We Don’t Know," introducing students to challenging areas of future research. Updated end-of-chapter problems reflect new research discussed in the text. Thought-provoking end-of-chapter questions have been expanded to all chapters, including questions on developmental biology, tissues and stem cells, the immune system, and pathogens



 Molecular biology




577.1 BER

Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Gatto, Jr, Lubert Stryer

 Biochemistry / Eighth edition, first printing.

New York : Macmillan Education, [2015]


Biochemistry: an evolving science -- Protein composition and structure -- Exploring proteins and proteomes -- DNA, RNA, and the flow of genetic information -- Exploring genes and genomes -- Exploring evolution and bioinformatics -- Hemoglobin: portrait of a protein in action -- Enzymes: basic concepts and kinetics -- Catalytic strategies -- Regulatory strategies -- Carbohydrates -- Lipids and cell membranes -- Membrane channels and pumps -- Signal-transduction pathways -- Metabolism: basic concepts and design -- Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis -- The citric acid cycle -- Oxidative phosphorylation -- The light reactions of photosynthesis -- The calvin cycle and the pentose phosphate pathway -- Glycogen metabolism -- Fatty acid metabolism -- Protein turnover and amino acid catabolism -- The biosynthesis of amino acids -- Nucleotide biosynthesis -- The biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids -- The integration of metabolism -- DNA replication, repair, and recombination -- RNA synthesis and processing -- Protein synthesis -- The control of gene expression in prokaryotes -- The control of gene expression in eukaryotes -- Sensory systems -- The immune system -- Molecular motors -- Drug development






579 MUR

Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller

Medical microbiology /  Eighth edition

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Elsevier, [2016]


 Introduction to medical microbiology -- Human microbiome in health and disease -- Sterilization, disinfection, and antisepsis -- Microscopy and in vitro culture -- Molecular diagnosis -- Serologic diagnosis -- Elements of host protective responses -- Innate host responses -- Antigen-specific immune responses -- Immune responses to infectious agents -- Antimicrobial vaccines -- Bacterial classification, structure, and replication -- Bacterial metabolism and genetics -- Mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis -- Role of bacteria in disease -- Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial diseases -- Antibacterial agents -- Staphylococcus and related gram-positive cocci -- Streptococcus and Enterococcus -- Bacillus -- Listeria and related gram-positive bacteria -- Mycobacterium and related acid-fast bacteria -- Neisseria and related genera -- Haemophilus and related bacteria -- Enterobacteriaceae -- Vibrio and related bacteria -- Pseudomonas and related bacteria -- Campylobacter and helicobacter -- Miscellaneous gram-negative rods -- Clostridium -- Non-spore-forming anaerobic bacteria -- Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira -- Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma -- Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, and related bacteria -- Chlamydia and Chlamydophila -- Viral classification, structure, and replication -- Mechanisms of viral pathogenesis -- Role of viruses in disease -- Laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases -- Antiviral agents and infection control -- Papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses -- Adenoviruses -- Human herpesviruses -- Poxviruses -- Parvoviruses -- Picornaviruses -- Coronaviruses and noroviruses -- Paramyxoviruses -- Orthomyxoviruses -- Rhabdoviruses, Filoviruses, and Bornaviruses -- Reoviruses -- Togaviruses and flaviviruses -- Bunyaviridae and Arenaviridae -- Retroviruses -- Hepatitis viruses -- Prion diseases -- Fungal classification, structure, and replication -- Pathogenesis of fungal disease -- Role of fungi in disease -- Laboratory diagnosi


Coverage of basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology help you master the essentials. Review questions at the end of each chapter correlate basic science with clinical practice to help you understand the clinical relevance of the organisms examined. Clinical cases illustrate the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases, reinforcing a clinical approach to learning. Full-color clinical photographs, images, and illustrations help you visualize the clinical presentations of infections. Summary tables and text boxes emphasizing essential concepts and learning issues optimize exam review. -- Publisher.



 Medical microbiology





61:001.891 ABR

J.H. Abramson, Z.H. Abramson.

Research methods in community medicine : surveys, epidemiological research, programme evaluation, clinical trials / Sixth edition

Chichester, England ; Hoboken, New


Research Methods in Community Medicine; Contents; Preface; 1 First Steps; 2 Types of Investigation; 3 Stages of an Investigation; 4 Formulating the Objectives; 5 The Objectives of Evaluative Studies; 6 The Study Population; 7 Control Groups; 8 Sampling; 9 Selecting Cases and Controls for Case-control Studies; 10 The Variables; 11 Defi ning the Variables; 12 Defi nitions of Diseases; 13 Scales of Measurement; 14 Composite Scales; 15 Methods of Collecting Data; 16 Reliability; 17 Validity; 18 Interviews and Self- Administered Questionnaires; 19 Constructing a Questionnaire

 20 Surveying the Opinions of a Panel: Consensus Methods21 The Use of Documentary Sources; 22 Planning the Records; 23 Planning the Handling of Data; 24 Pretests and Other Preparations; 25 Collecting the Data; 26 Statistical Analysis; 27 Interpreting the Findings; 28 Making Sense of Associations; 29 Application of the Study Findings; 30 Writing a Report; 31 Rapid Epidemiological Methods; 32 Clinical Trials; 33 Programme Trials; 34 Community-Oriented Primary Care; 35 Using the Web for Health Research; Appendix A Community Appraisal: A Checklist; Appendix B Random Numbers

 Appendix C Free Computer ProgramsIndex


This work provides a simple and systematic guide to the planning and performance of investigations concerned with health and disease and with health care. It offers researchers help in choosing a topic and to think about shaping objectives and ideas and to link these with the appropriate choice of method.


Health surveys

Public health -- Research -- Methodology.

Community health services -- Research -- Methodology.

Epidemiology -- Methodology.

Clinical trials -- Methodology.




612.017 DEL

Peter J. Delves, Seamus J. Martin, Dennis R. Burton, Ivan M. Roitt.

Roitt’s essential immunology / Thirteenth edition

Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2017


Innate immunity -- Specific acquired immunity -- Antibodies -- Membrane receptors for antigen -- Antigen-specific recognition -- Immunological methods and applications [JS2] -- The anatomy of the immune response -- Lymphocyte activation -- The production of effectors -- The regulation of the immune response -- Development and evolution of the immune response -- Adversarial strategies during infection -- Vaccines -- Immunodeficiency -- Allergy and other hypersensitivities -- Transplantation -- Tumor immunology -- Autoimmune diseases.


’Roitt’s Essential Immunology’ outdistances other textbooks in the area by its scope, its organisation, its clarity and its ability to convey a carefully balanced and up-to-date view of immunology.


Immune System





616-036.22 CLA

Clayton, David, Michael Hills 

Statistical models in epidemiology

Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013]


  Probability models -- Conditional probability models -- Likelihood -- Consecutive follow-up intervals -- Rates -- Time -- Competing risks and selection -- Gaussian probability model -- Approximate likelihoods -- Likelihood, probability, and confidence -- Null hypotheses and p-values -- Small studies -- Likelihoods for the rate ration -- Confounding and standardization -- Comparison of rates within strata -- Case-control studies -- Likelihoods for the odds ratio -- Comparison of odds within strata -- Individually matched case-control studies -- Tests for trend -- Size of investigations -- Introduction to regression models -- Poisson and logistic regression -- Testing hypotheses -- Models for dose-response -- More about interaction -- Choice and interpretation of models -- Additivity and synergism -- Conditional logistic regression -- Cox’s regression analysis -- Time-varying explanatory variables -- Three examples -- Nested case-control studies -- Gaussian regression models -- Postscript -- Exponentials and logarithms -- Some basic calculus -- Approximate profile likelihoods


 This self-contained account of the statistical basis of epidemiology has been written specifically for those with a basic training in biology, therefore no previous knowledge is assumed and the mathematics is deliberately kept at a manageable level. The authors show how all statistical analysis of data is based on probability models, and once one understands the model, analysis follows easily. In showing how to use models in epidemiology the authors have chosen to emphasize the role of likelihood, an approach to statistics which is both simple and intuitively satisfying. More complex problems can then be tackled by natural extensions of the simple methods. Based on a highly successful course, this book explains the essential statistics for all epidemiologists.


 Epidemiology -- Statistical methods




 616-056.7 NUS

Robert L. Nussbaum, Roderick R. McInnes, Huntington F. Willard

Thompson & Thompson genetics in medicine / 

Eighth edition

Philadelphia : Elsevier, [2016]


 Introduction -- Introduction to the human genome -- The human genome: gene structure and function -- Human genetic diversity: mutation and polymorphism -- Principles of clinical cytogenetics and genome analysis -- The chromosomal and genomic basis of disease: disorders of the autosomes and sex chromosomes -- Patterns of single-gene inheritance -- Complex inheritance of common multifactorial disorders -- Genetic variation in populations -- Identifying the genetic basis for human disease -- The molecular basis of genetic disease : general principles and lessons from the hemoglobinopathies -- The molecular, biochemical, and cellular basis of genetic disease -- The treatment of genetic disease -- Developmental genetics and birth defects -- Cancer genetics and genomics -- Risk assessment and genetic counseling -- Prenatal diagnosis and screening -- Application of genomics to medicine and personalized health care -- Ethical and social issues in genetics and genomics


 Updated to reflect the newest changes in genetics, Thompson & Thompson’s Genetics in Medicine returns as one of the most favored texts in this fascinating and rapidly evolving field. By integrating the classic principles of human genetics with modern molecular genetics, this medical reference book utilizes a variety of learning tools to help you understand a wide range of genetic disorders. •Acquire the state-of-the-art knowledge you need on the latest advances in molecular diagnostics, the Human Genome Project, pharmacogenetics, and bio-informatics. •Better understand the relationship between basic genetics and clinical medicine with a variety of clinical case studies. •Recognize a wide range of genetic disorders with visual guidance from more than 240 dynamic illustrations and high-quality photos. •Immerse yourself in updated graphics, full-color text, illustrations, line diagrams, and clinical photos of genetic diseases. •Explore the latest genetic content available in order to remain up to date on the most current trends in the field. •Take advantage of a double-page clinical case study section that demonstrates and reinforces general principles of disease inheritance, pathogenesis, diagnosis, management, and counseling. •Enhance your critical thinking skills and better retain information. Each chapter ends with up to 5 quick genetic "problems" related to what has just been reviewed, with answers provided in the back of the book. •Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. You’ll also access USMLE-style and multiple choice questions.


Medical genetics




616-073 ESS

The essential physics of medical imaging /  Third, international edition

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, [2012]


Section I. Basic concepts -- 1. Introduction to medical imaging -- 2. Radiation and the atom -- 3. Interaction of radiation with matter -- 4. Image quality -- 5. Imaging informatics -- Section II. Diagnostic radiology -- 6. X-ray production, X-ray tubes, and generators -- 7. Radiography -- 8. Mammography -- 9. Fluoroscopy -- 10. Computed tomography -- 11. X-ray dosimetry in projection imaging and computed tomography -- 12. Magnetic resonance basics: magnetic fields, nuclear magnetic characteristics, tissue contrast, image acquisition -- 13. Magnetic resonance imaging: advanced image acquisition methods, artifacts, spectroscopy, quality control, siting, bioeffects, and safety -- 14. Ultrasound -- Section III. Nuclear medicine -- 15. Radioactivity and nuclear transformation -- 16. Radionuclide production, radiopharmaceuticals, and internal dosimetry -- 17. Radiation detection and measurement -- 18. Nuclear imaging: scintillation camera -- 19. Nuclear imaging: emission tomography -- Section IV. Radiation biology and protection -- 20. Radiation biology -- 21. Radiation protection -- Section V. Appendices -- A. Fundamental principles of physics -- B. Digital computers -- 3. Physical constants, prefixes, geometry, conversion factors, and radiologic data -- D. Mass attenuation coefficients -- E. Effective doses, organ doses, and fetal doses from medical imaging procedures -- F. Radiopharmaceutical characteristics and dosimetry -- G. Convolution and Fourier transforms -- H. Radiation dose: perspectives and comparisons -- I. Radionuclide therapy home care guidelines


The basic science important to nuclear imaging, including the nature and production of radioactivity, internal dosimetry and radiation detection and measurement, are presented clearly and concisely. Current concepts in the fields of radiation biology and radiation protection relevant to medical imaging, and a number of helpful appendices complete this comprehensive textbook. The text is enhanced by numerous full color charts, tables, images and superb illustrations that reinforce central concepts. The book is ideal for medical imaging professionals, and teachers and students in medical physics and biomedical engineering. Radiology residents will find this text especially useful in bolstering their understanding of imaging physics and related topics prior to board exams.


 Diagnostic imaging

 Medical physics




616-7 HIL

Hill, David 

Design engineering of biomaterials for medical devices

Chichester : Wiley, [1998]


 Biomedical materials

 Biomedical engineering

 Biomedical measurements and instruments




616.858 PAR

Parkinson’s disease management through ICT : the REMPARK approach

Gistrup, Denmark : River Publishers, 2017


Parkinson’s disease -- Treatment

 Parkinson’s disease -- Diagnosis.

 Parkinson’s disease -- Patients -- Rehabilitation.

 Computational neuroscience




620.9 RAN

John Randolph and Gilbert M. Masters.

 Energy for sustainability : foundations for technology, planning, policy / Second edition

Washington : Island Press, [2018]


The energy imperative and patterns of use -- Energy sources and sustainability -- Energy futures -- Fundamentals of energy science -- Energy analysis and life-cycle assessment -- Energy efficiency for buildings -- Solar energy for buildings: Approaching zero net energy -- Whole building to zero net energy -- Centralized electric power systems -- Distributed energy resources -- Photovoltaic systems -- Large-scale renewables -- Transportation energy and efficient vehicles -- Alternative fuels, biofuels, and biomass energy -- Whole community energy, mobility, and land use -- Market transformation to sustainable energy -- Energy policy -- U.S. state and community energy policy and planning.


Renewable energy sources




620.9 TWI

John Twidell and Tony Weir

Renewable energy resources / Third edition.

London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, [2015]


Renewable Energy Resources is a numerate and quantitative text covering the full range of renewable energy technologies and their implementation worldwide. Energy supplies from renewables (such as from biofuels, solar heat, photovoltaics, wind, hydro, wave, tidal, geothermal, and ocean-thermal) are essential components of every nation’s energy strategy, not least because of concerns for the local and global environment, for energy security and for sustainability. Thus in the years between the first and this third edition, most renewable energy technologies have grown from fledgling impact to significant importance because they make good sense, good policy and good business. This Third Edition is extensively updated in light of these developments, while maintaining the book’s emphasis on fundamentals, complemented by analysis of applications. Renewable energy helps secure national resources, mitigates pollution and climate change, and provides cost effective services. These benefits are analysed and illustrated with case studies and worked examples. The book recognises the importance of cost effectiveness and efficiency of end-use. Each chapter begins with fundamental scientific theory, and then considers applications, environmental impact and socio-economic aspects before concluding with Quick Questions for self-revision and Set Problems. The book includes Reviews of basic theory underlying renewable energy technologies, such as electrical power, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and solid-state physics. Common symbols and cross-referencing apply throughout; essential data are tabulated in appendices


Renewable energy sources




E11.7 POW

Power electronics for renewable energy systems, transportation and industrial applications

Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom ; Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley/IEEE, [2014]


Energy, global warming and impact of power electronics in the present century -- Challenges of the current energy scenario: The power electronics contribution -- An overview on distributed generation and smart grid concepts and technologies -- Recent advances in power semiconductor technology -- AC-link universal power converters: A new class of power converters for renewable energy and transportation -- High power electronics: key technology for wind turbines -- Photovoltaic energy conversion systems -- Controllability analysis of renewable energy systems -- Universal operation of small/Medium-sized renewable energy systems -- Properties and control of a doubly fed induction machine -- AC DC AC converters for distributed power generation systems -- Power electronics for more electric aircraft -- Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles -- Multilevel converter/inverter topologies and applications -- Multiphase matrix converter topologies and control -- Boost preregulators for power factor correction in single-phase rectifiers -- Active power filter -- Hardware-in-the-loop systems with power electronics: A powerful simulation tool -- Real-time simulation of modular multilevel converters(MMCs)--Model predictive speed control of electrical machines -- The electrical drive systems with the current source converter -- Common-mode voltage and bearing currents in PWM inverters:causes, effects and prevention -- High-power drive systems for industrial applications:practical examples -- Modulation and control of single-phase grid-side converters -- Impedance source inverters.


Power electronics

 Industries -- Power supply.




E13.1 SWI

 Switched reluctance motor : concept, control and applications

Groatia : InTechOpen, [2017]


 In the last years, the switched reluctance machines (Srms) have been the subject of significant developments. Srms are gaining much interest because of their simplicity in structures, high-output power, high starting torque, wide speed range, rugged and robust construction, reliability, and low manufacturing costs, which make these machines viable for many applications. Srms include machines of different structures whose common property is the significant variation in the shape of the air gap during rotation. The use of advanced control technologies makes possible the integration of the mechanical and electrical conversion systems in their optimal mode of operation. Different strategies of control can be applied to Srms, depending on their mode of functioning and the purpose of their applications. The goal of this book is to present recent works on concept, control, and applications in switched reluctance machines.


Reluctance motors




E91.4 SCO

Robert Scoble & Shel Israel

 Age of context : mobile, sensors, data and the future of privacy

United States : Patrick Brewster Press, [2014]


 Introduction : Storm’s coming -- The five forces -- Through the glass, looking -- The customer in context -- The road to context -- Driving over the freaky line -- the new urbanists -- The contextual self -- Why wearables matter -- PCAs : your new best friends -- No place like the contextual home -- Pinpoint marketing -- Why trust is the new currency -- Reunion : 2038 -- Links in this book -- Acknowledgments -- Index.


 In 2006, co-authors Robert Scoble and Shel Israel wrote Naked Conversations, a book that persuaded businesses to embrace what we now call social media. Six years later they have teamed up again to report that social media is but one of five converging forces that promise to change virtually every aspect of our lives. You know these other forces already: mobile, data, sensors and location-based technology. Combined with social media they form a new generation of personalized technology that knows us better than our closest friends. Armed with that knowledge our personal devices can anticipate what we’ll need next and serve us better than a butler or an executive assistant. The resulting convergent superforce is so powerful that it is ushering in a era the authors call the Age of Context. In this new era, our devices know when to wake us up early because it snowed last night; they contact the people we are supposed to meet with to warn them we’re running late. They even find content worth watching on television

 They also promise to cure cancer and make it harder for terrorists to do their damage. Astoundingly, in the coming age you may only receive ads you want to see. Scoble and Israel have spent more than a year researching this book. They report what they have learned from interviewing more than a hundred pioneers of the new technology and by examining hundreds of contextual products. What does it all mean? How will it change society in the future? The authors are unabashed tech enthusiasts, but as they write, an elephant sits in the living room of our book and it is called privacy. We are entering a time when our technology serves us best because it watches us; collecting data on what we do, who we speak with, what we look at. There is no doubt about it: Big Data is watching you. The time to lament the loss of privacy is over. The authors argue that the time is right to demand options that enable people to reclaim some portions of that privacy


Mobile communication systems -- Social aspects.

Mobile communication systems -- Economic aspects.

 Social media -- Social aspects.

 Social media -- Economic aspects.

 Communication and culture

 Privacy, Right of

 Marketing -- Technological innovations.

 Business -- Technological innovations.

 Technological innovations

 Cloud computing

 Information technology




629.11 LAR

Larminie, James 

Electric vehicle technology explained /  Second edition

Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley, a John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, 2012


Electric vehicles -- Technological innovations.

 Electric vehicles -- Design and construction




629.113 GUZ

Lino Guzzella and Antonio Sciarretta

Vehicle propulsion systems : introduction to modeling and optimization / Third edition.

Heidelberg ; New York : Springer, [2013]


 Vehicle Energy and Fuel Consumption -- Basic Concepts -- IC-Engine-Based Propulsion Systems -- Electric and Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems -- Non-electric Hybrid Propulsion Systems -- Fuel-Cell Propulsion Systems -- Supervisory Control Algorithms.


This text provides an introduction to the mathematical modeling and subsequent optimization of vehicle propulsion systems and their supervisory control algorithms. Automobiles are responsible for a substantial part of the world’s consumption of primary energy, mostly fossil liquid hydrocarbons and the reduction of the fuel consumption of these vehicles has become a top priority. Increasing concerns over fossil fuel consumption and the associated environmental impacts have motivated many groups in industry and academia to propose new propulsion systems and to explore new optimization methodologies. This third edition has been prepared to include many of these developments. In the third edition, exercises are included at the end of each chapter and the solutions are available on the web.


Automobiles -- Motors.

 Propulsion systems.

 Propulsion systems -- Mathematical models


 Electrical engineering



648-051 DYS

Dyson, James 

Against the odds : an autobiography

New York : Texere, [2003] 2003


James Dyson is the inventor and designer of the revolutionary Dyson Cyclone, the vacuum cleaner that has generated a turnover of nearly 5 billion since it first launched in 1993. Sales of Dyson machines have reached nearly 10 million globally. And he is now embarking on his next great adventure - breaking into the most competitive and challenging market in the world: the USA. At long last the American public will be able to buy a vacuum cleaner with a huge advantage over all others - it does not lose suction. This is the story of a man whose unorthodox methods, unswerving optimism and self-belief brought spectacular success completely bucking the trend of failed inventors and designers. It is a story of personal and business triumph and will be an inspiration for designers, inventors, entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to know what it takes to succeed against the odds.


Dyson, James, 1947-


Dyson Appliances Limited


 Electric household appliances industry -- Great Britain

 Technological innovations -- Great Britain.

 Vacuum cleaners -- United States -- History.

 Inventors -- Great Britain -- Biography

 Businesspeople -- United States -- Biography




681.3 FUN

Fundamentals of wearable computers and augmented reality /  Second edition

Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2017]


Section 1. Introduction -- section 2. The technology -- section 3. Augmented reality -- section 4. Wearable computers and wearable technology.


Data will not help you if you can’t see it where you need it. Or can’t collect it where you need it. Upon these principles, wearable technology was born. And although smart watches and fitness trackers have become almost ubiquitous, with in-body sensors on the horizon, the future applications of wearable computers hold so much more. A trusted reference for almost 15 years, Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality goes beyond smart clothing to explore user interface design issues specific to wearable tech and areas in which it can be applied. Upon its initial publication, the fir ...


Wearable computers

 Human-computer interaction

 Augmented reality.

 Virtual reality




681.3.069.3 MCL

Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice, David West.

Head first object-oriented analysis and design

Sebastopol, California : O’Reilly, [2007]


 Great Software Begins Here: well-designed apps rock -- Give Them What They Want: gathering requirements -- I Love You, You’re Perfect ... Now Change: requirements change -- Taking Your Software Into the Real World: analysis -- Part Nothing Ever Stays the Same: good design -- Interlude: OO Catastrophe-- Partt Give Your Software a 30-minute Workout: flexible software -- "My Name is Art Vandelay": solving really big problems -- Bringing Order to Chaos: architecture -- Originality is Overrated: design principles -- The Software is Still for the Customer: iteration and testing -- Putting It All Together: the ooa & d lifecycle -- Appendix I Leftovers -- Appendix II-- Welcome to objectville


Provides information on analyzing, designing, and writing object-oriented software


Object-oriented methods (Computer science)

 Computer software -- Development




681.3.07.01PHYTON GOO

Goodrich, Michael T.

 Data structures and algorithms in Python

Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2013]


Based on the authors’ market leading data structures books in Java and C++, this book offers a comprehensive, definitive introduction to data structures in Python by authoritative authors. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python is the first authoritative object-oriented book available for Python data structures. Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation, the text will maintain the same general structure as Data Structures and Algorithms in Java and Data Structures and Algorithms in C++. •Begins by discussing Python’s conceptually simple syntax, which allows for a greater focus on concepts. •Employs a consistent object-oriented viewpoint throughout the text. •Presents each data structure using ADTs and their respective implementations and introduces important design patterns as a means to organize those implementations into classes, methods, and objects. •Provides a thorough discussion on the analysis and design of fundamental data structures. •Includes many helpful Python code examples, with source code provided on the website. •Uses illustrations to present data structures and algorithms, as well as their analysis, in a clear, visual manner. •Provides hundreds of exercises that promote creativity, help readers learn how to think like programmers, and reinforce important concepts. •Contains many Python-code and pseudo-code fragments, and hundreds of exercises, which are divided into roughly 40% reinforcement exercises, 40% creativity exercises, and 20% programming projects.

Title Sub.  

Python (Computer program language)


Data structures (Computer science)

 Computer algorithms




‫ ‪73.036(569.4) (תומ (עפר ‬

‫ תומרקין, יגאל‬

 יגאל תומרקין

‫ [תל-אביב] : קרן לוין לאמנות ישראלית, [2019] ‬



 ‫ תודות -- קומת הגג -- האב, האם ורוח הפיסול -- ילד נורא -- יום כיפור - מחווה ליונה פישר, 12.12.1977 -- פרה-היסטוריה, 1956-1952-- תומרקין שלפני תומרקין -- האסמבלז’ים, 1964-195-- הבטונים של תומרקין-- t בדרך אל השדות, 1967 -- הוא עוד ילך בשדות-- פופ-ארט?-- הנירוסטות [א]: עידן המדע, הרנסנס האיטלקי -- הנירוסטות [ב]: הצלבנים -- מלחמת יום כיפור -- אמריקה של תומרקין, 1976-1967-- מחווה לארכימדס -- האנדרטה לשואה ולתקומה, 1975-1971-- רישומים בעקבות פון קלייסט, 1979-1977-- תומרקין וארדון-- גתה בבוכנוואלד, 1991-- "הגיבן הקטן", 1991-- מסעות, 1979-1971- -- אדמה, 1984-1977 -- הגדרת העצים, 1983-1979 -- שירי מולדת, 1984-1981-- מזבחות ועקידות, 1984-1981 -- סוס העץ מיכאל, 1987 -- מחווה לוואן גוך, 1988-1987 -- קרוניות, 1992-1984 -- קו מאז’ינו, 1987 -- אובליסקים, 1994-1991 -- מלאך ההיסטוריה או רקוויאם לעידן האנלוגי, 2001-- תומרקין וברכט -- תומרקין וקופפרמן: 1965-1962 -- המורשת: תומרקין ודורצ’ין -- הערות -- קורות חיים -- מפתח שמות ‬


 ‫ הספר "יגאל תומרקין" הוא ניסיון ראשון מסוגו לסקור את מכלול יצירתו הענפה של מי שהוא אולי גדול פַסלי ישראל בכל הזמנים. לאורך 530 עמודים, 35 פרקים וכ- 200 תצלומים בצבע ובשחור-לבן, נוטל הספר את קוראו למסע עשיר בין ציוריו, רישומיו, תבליטיו (אסמבלאז’ים) ופסליו של תומרקין ובין מסכת מורכבת ועשירה ביותר של התפתחויות בשפתו האמנותית. הספר מציג את כוונותיו של האמן, את הפרשנויות הביקורתיות ליצירתו, כשם שמנסה לעמוד על שורשי אישיותו הפרובוקטיבית. הספר "יגאל תומרקין" הוא שילוב של אלבום ומחקר, שחובבי האמנות ימצאו בו עניין רב ‬


 Tumarkin, Igael, 1933 -


 Sculptors -- Israel -- 20th century

 Sculptors -- Israel -- 21st century

 Sculpture, Modern

 Sculpture, Israeli

 Artists -- Israel.




766 FIE

Charlotte and Peter Fiell

 New graphic design : the 100 best contemporary graphic designers

London : Goodman Fiell, [2013]


A is a Name -- A Practice for Everyday life -- Reza Abedini -- Alva -- BachGärde Design and Communication -- Marian Bantjes -- Barnbrook -- Coralie Bickford-Smith -- Big Fish -- Irma Boom -- Brighten the Corners -- Jonathan Budenz -- Build -- Büro Achter April -- Buro-GDS -- Carnovsky -- Catherine Casalino -- Alvin Chan -- Conor & David -- Coy! Communications -- Lottie Crumbleholme -- Isotta Dardilli -- Oded Ezer -- Kiko Farkas, Máquina Estúdio -- Farrow - Louise Fili -- Forsman & Bodenfors -- Michael Freimuth -- Hilary Greenbaum -- Catherine Griffiths -- H55 -- Charlotte Heal -- Lisa Hedge -- Helmo -- Alberto Hernandez -- Hey -- Heydays -- Hyatt Associates -- Pedro Inoue -- Irving & Co. -- Ishan Khosla -- Aron Jancso -- Lucas Jatoba -- Ben Jeffery -- John Morgan Studios -- Karlssonwilker -- Kellenberger-White -- Neil Kellerhouse -- Kent Lyons -- Josh King -- La Boca -- Leterme Dowling -- Yang Liu Design -- Lust -- Marcus McCabe -- Micha Weidmann Studio -- Adeline Mollard -- Diego Morales -- OMG -- NAM -- Nick Bell Design -- Ohyescoolgreat -- Peter Orntoft -- Kosma Ostrowski -- Daniel Peter -- Praline -- Quinta Feira -- Rudd Studio -- Sagmeister & Walsh -- Sawdust -- Second Story Interactive Studios -- Signal/Noise -- Frode Skaren -- Michael Spitz -- Studio AAD -- Studio Frith -- Studio KXX -- Studio Newwork -- Studiothomson -- Sulki & Min -- Kenichi Tanaka -- Tankboys -- The Luxury of Protest -- Richard The -- Thomas.Matthews -- Regis Tosetti -- Dimo Trifonov -- Tsk Design -- Tsto -- Umbrella -- Jonty Valentine -- Julien Valle -- Jonas Valtysson -- Craig Ward -- Cardon Webb -- Yvette Yang -- Nod Young -- Zim & Zou -- Zoveck Estudio


A stunning and thought provoking round-up of today’s most interesting visual communication projects, New Graphic Design surveys the very latest work from one hundred of the world’s most exciting and ground-breaking practitioners. This guide to contemporary graphic design not only illustrates the latest projects, from websites, apps, banner ads, packaging and infographics to exhibition design, social issue posters, corporate branding campaigns and interactive media design, but also includes in-depth interviews with the selected designers. Each designer’s entry also includes detailed biographic information and a short précis on the designer’s approach, written by the designers themselves. In addition, an introduction by the Fiells assesses the status of graphic design in our increasingly digitized world and attempts to predict its future trajectory with the advent of increasingly advanced 3D technologies and the growing erosion of traditional advertising campaign conduits. New Graphic Design is an essential guide for anyone interested in the power of visual communication, and is an absolute must-have publication for students and professional practitioners alike.


Graphic arts

 Graphic artists

 Commercial art




78.067.27(03) RET

Rettenmund, Matthew 

Encyclopedia Madonnica 20 / Twentieth anniversary edition

New York : Boy Culture LLC, [2016]


 The standard edition of the ultimate book on the Queen of Pop: Madonna! This twentieth-anniversary edition of the book that gets it all down (and gets it all right) is filled with never-before-seen and rare images, as well as fresh interviews. This encyclopedic tome covers every aspect of Madonna’s life and career: music, movies, TV, love life, family, tours and more.


Madonna, 1958-


Popular music

 Popular music -- Encyclopedias.

 Music -- Encyclopedias.

 Women musicians -- United States.

 Rock music