Key Digital Medical Technologies


Key Digital Medical Technologies Centers and Labs



HEAL - Healthcare Analytics Lab

Focuses on addressing challenges related to healthcare data, especially Big Medical Data and the use of real-world data for better care and management; increasing accessibility and usability of AI-based solutions (e.g. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP) by clinicians and patients.

Living Lab

Serves as an open research and innovation space in the form of a smart sensor-fitted apartment designed as a multidisciplinary apartment providing a multidisciplinary R&D platform. The Living Lab addresses challenges faced by the elderly in their home environment, including physiological/functional, cognitive and behavioral/mental perspectives. The lab also facilitates the development and implementation of home care technologies.


Multidisciplinary Assistive Design and Engineering Lab
Aspires to propel wide-reaching academic and community activities focused on the creation of novel assistive solutions, fusing technologic vigor with design sensibility; MADE strives to nurture a multidisciplinary force of students and young researchers to gain in-depth experience with assistive design and technologies.