News & Stories

HIT-Hillel course 2019


Since 2016, HIT partners with Hillel International. 
In the frame of this partnership, students from South America (Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay) have attended a two-month-program at HIT. 



This year, the course "Technology in the Market of the Digital Era" was led by Dr. Nava Shaked, Head of HIT's Multidisciplinary Department.


This course gathered students from various academic backgrounds such as product engineers, designers, big data and finance specialists, and even a petroleum engineer and an odontologist.


During the course, the students learnt and debated about the changes, challenges and opportunities the digital era created for us, as users and creators of technology. Dr. Nava Shaked highlighted some of the main game changers of this era while analyzing technology and market forces. The students enjoyed a guest lecture on IOT, wearables and creative thinking by Mr. Eli Jacobson, design and innovation manager in Fashion-tech and wearables. 


One of the highlights of the program was the visit to the Weizmann Institute of Science where the students discovered part of the history of technologies and attended a lecture on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision by Dr. Shay Bigon, from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. 


Visit at the Levinson Visitors Center, Weizmann Institute of Science




Israel's first computer and one of the first large-scale computers in the world built in the 50s.





Overall, the students enjoyed an exciting and mind boggling course! They worked in multidisciplinary teams, built informative internet websites with focus on a technology of their choice and presented their work during the last meeting. This amazing experience ended with a surprise lesson of Biodanza, present of Dr. Shaked to her students! 



Posted: 12/03/2019